Hear Owl’s Story Of
Freedom. Learning. Happiness. Impact
Hear Owl’s Story Of
Freedom. Learning. Happiness. Impact
How it All Started

Rote learning, disconnection from society or sleepless nights before tests: our children definitely deserve better in education.
Beas and Joyati, from different walks of life and experiences, shared a vision of creating a learning platform so comforting and convenient, that it would make children, parents and teachers fall in love with learning.
They wished to develop a generation of smart learners who were in sync with the wider world. So, they let go of conventional methods, connected the dots between different subjects, built in creativity and critical thinking in their approach.
In the scorching summer of 2019 in a cosy book-cafe in Delhi, after several long meetings filled with passion and excitement and confusion, Owl’s vision for Adaptive Learning Programme was conceptualised.
For the next one year a team of pedagogy experts, software developers and resource creators developed the programme with dedication and care. Finally, Owl’s first module Skipin was ready to launch, closely followed by Neeve!

Impact Learning. Personalised For Every Child.

Education is not a simple consumer exchange. We do not offer a specific product. We offer an immersive learning experience, a seamless fabric of systems and processes.
Quality is always on the top of our minds. Every resource is created with utmost care to include lead the young mind towards excellence and kindle the spirit or lifelong learning.
We are personally involved in every single resource that we create or select and every single learning pathway that is mapped. We have created education platforms that adapt according to the child’s unique bend of mind. We have created processes and tools that help teachers, schools and parents. The entire ‘village’ is brought

The Owl Giveback
Owl is driven by social good. We’ve designed our programme to bring out the best in children, while encouraging them to know about animals and compassion.
Introdicing the Owl Giveback – Owl gives a part of its earning to PETA India. For every programme sold, Owl has pledged Rs. 75 to PETA India.
This means you get some great learning programme, while creating an impact on the wellbieng of animals.
Getback Love

Owl partner’s with PETA India’s Compassionate Citizen programme. Compassion for animals forms a part of Owl’s resources through PETA. Look for projects and colouring pages from PETA India and PETA Kids (USA) on SKIP

People for the Ethickal treatment of Animals (PETA) India is one of the largest animal rights organisations in the country with over two million members and supporters. PETA India focuses primarily on the areas in which the greatest number of animals suffer the most: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the leather trade, and in the entertainment business. PETA India’s investigations, public education efforts, research, animal rescues, legislative work, special events, celebrity involvement, and national media coverage have resulted in countless improvements to the quality of life for animals and have saved countless animal’s lives.